Just what you've all been waiting for!
Greetings to all! My name is Brent Mayberry, and this is my first real attempt at creating web pages. I'm trying desperately to figure out all the cool tricks there are to HTML, so the hope is that little by little this site will improve, and you'll be more and more impressed as time goes on.
Here are some things I thought you'd might like to know about me
Hey, all you adoring Brentmaniacs out there (yeah, that's you, Mom)! I'm from Sierra Vista, Arizona, currently attending BYU in Provo, Utah, double majoring in accounting and economics. I'm currently single, but pretty interested in settling down and starting a family. (More info for you later on that subject.) I teach Spanish at the Missionary Training Center here in Provo for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
My hobbies include:
Be sure to check out my links section to see some cool sites relating to my hobbies.
Visit my Getaway to Mexico page!